Tue, 24 April 2018
Shhhh! Listen up! On this episode of The Necronomicast, the group explores the worldwide smash hit “A Quiet Place”. With a modest 17 million dollar budget, this frightening flick has scared up over 200 million dollars worldwide in just a few weeks and doesn’t show signs of slowing down yet! Our spoiler filled review explores the refreshing take on horror from John Krasinski. Later, Wayne gives a spirited review of a truly horrible horror movie “Sssssss”, Laurie tells us what’s she’s been reading, and we conclude with a chat about the passing of broadcast legend, Art Bell. “A Quiet Place” on this episode of The Necronomicast! |
Wed, 11 April 2018
The Legend of Bigfoot has been around for centuries, but it really came to national attention in the United States with the extraordinary footage collected by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. On October 20th, 1967, Patterson and Gimlin filmed the most scrutinized piece of crypto-zoological evidence in modern history. No one, not scientists, Hollywood filmmakers, or anyone else has been able to prove that this is a fake or hoax. So now, 50 plus years later...are we looking at real, concrete evidence that Bigfoot exists? We talk to none other than Bob Gimlin himself. At 86 years old, Bob recounts his life before and after that incredible day. He shares his insight about Sasquatch, the connection it has with Native American people, and speculates what happened to the "being" that they filmed that day. BOB GIMLIN on The Necronomicast! |