Fri, 5 July 2024
Tonight, it is my pleasure to bring to you faithful listeners, a conversation with Dustin Pari! With over 20 years of experience researching the unknown, Dustin Pari brings exciting and positive lectures about the paranormal all across the country. As a part of SyFy television's Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, and Destination Truth cast, Dustin has traveled the world over looking for answers and expanding his understanding of the unseen realm. Throughout the year he travels as an invited guest lecturer at the largest paranormal and spiritual conferences and conventions in the country and around the world. He has been interviewed by television's Anderson Cooper, and has done radio shows and podcasts all around the globe. He has written two books based upon his findings and his unique approach to the paranormal. In addition to conducting his paranormal research, Dustin also is highly regarded for his work as a motivational speaker, suicide awareness advocate, and Christian lecturer.